======================================= Variation ======================================= This document applies to the Visual Basic programme 'Variation' when the files are distributed by electronic mail or bulletin board. 'Variation' is a Windows programme written in Visual Basic 3. It is a simulation tool which should be useful to anyone who wants to explore Statistical Process Control. I hope that it will give a feel for handling processes which contain variation, and quickly give experience in some aspects of using Shewhart control charts. Shareware --------- 'Variation' is shareware. This means that copying the files is both permitted and encouraged - and the programme can be run for the purpose of testing and appraisal. To pass a copy of the programme on to someone else, either give them a copy of VARI.ZIP or made a distribution disc (see below). Shareware Agreement ------------------- If you run the programme for your own private use after the evaluation period, then I am asking you to send a contribution of 10 U.K. pounds or 15 U.S. dollars to me for the time I spent developing the programme. I will acknowledge all contributions received. I recognise that it is difficult to get foreign currency in some countries but I would appreciate it if you try. If it really is too difficult or expensive for such a small sum, I will understand, but please let me know that you are using the programme. Companies and institutions may distribute the files to individuals for their private use. However if 'Variation' is used as part of a training course, or it is installed on a computer to which many people have access, then a licence must be obtained. Please contact me for details. To extend the shareware principle of 'appraisal before purchase' to teaching, I will allow a teacher or lecturer to use the programme as part of a training course on one occasion only without obtaining a licence. Packing List ------------ The following files are zipped into the file VARI.ZIP: VARI.EXE (the executable file written in Visual Basic 3) CMDIALOG.VBX (a Microsoft file needed for the Open File dialogue box) COMMDLG.DLL (a Microsoft file needed for the Open File dialogue box) GRID.VBX (a Microsoft file needed to display tables of results) README.TXT (this file) TUTORIAL.TXT (a tutorial) TUT1.VAR (a variation file to use with the tutorial) TUT2.VAR (a variation file to use with the tutorial) INSTRUCT.TXT (detailed instructions for use) TECHNICL.TXT (technical notes on the .VAR file structure) TRIALS.TXT (results of trials to find the number of 'false alarms') VPROGxx.VAR (9 more variation files) XXXX.TXT (the README.TXT file to include in a distribution disc) The first four files on the list, plus VBRUN300.DLL are needed for the programme to run. The Visual Basic run-time file VBRUN300.DLL ------------------------------------------- VBRUN300.DLL is a Microsoft public-domain file which is needed to run any programme written in Visual Basic 3. You may already have a copy of this in your Windows\System directory. If not, you will need to download it from a bulletin board or on-line service - or ask someone who runs Visual Basic programmes for a copy. At the time of writing it is available as the zipped file VBRUN3.ZIP in the IBMNEW and WINFUN forums of CompuServe. I also found it as VBRUN300.EXE (I presume that this is a self extracting compressed file) on the Internet at ftp site ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk in directory /pub/packages/windows3/util. Installing "Variation" on Hard Disc ----------------------------------- Transfer all files listed above to your computer's hard disc. You can put them all in one directory or you can put the Microsoft files in the Windows\System directory (See Technical Notes: Installation below). Tutorial -------- The best place for everyone to start is the tutorial. Load TUTORIAL.TXT into Windows Notepad or a word processor then follow the step-by-step instructions. As well as leading you through some of the features of the programme, the tutorial will give a brief introduction to the use of control charts. The tutorial requires you to load the files TUT1.VAR and TUT2.VAR into 'Variation'. Instructions ------------ The programme has on-line instructions. You can get these from the menu bar or by pressing F1 in the main window. More detailed instructions are contained in the file "INSTRUCT.TXT". Making a Distribution Disc -------------------------- Please pass 'Variation' on to anybody who you think may be interested in the programme. The best way to do this is to make a distribution disc. Proceed as follows: 1. Format a 1.44MB floppy disc 2. Copy the following files to the disc: CMDIALOG.VBX COMMDLG.DLL GRID.VBX INSTRUCT.TXT TECHNICL.TXT TRIALS.TXT TUT1.VAR TUT2.VAR TUTORIAL.TXT VARI.EXE VBRUN300.DLL VPROGxx.VAR (9 files) XXXX.TXT 3. Check that there are 21 files on the disc. 4. Rename the file XXXX.TXT to README.TXT Now make lots of copies of this disc and pass them on. You may make a small charge to cover the expenses of copying, but if you do this you must make it clear that the charge does not include any contribution to the author of the programme. Technical Notes: Installation ----------------------------- The files CMDIALOG.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL, GRID.VBX and VBRUN300.DLL are "Shared Application Resource" files. These are Microsoft files which could be needed by any Visual Basic programme. Strictly speaking they should be put in the "Windows\System" directory to make them available to any future Visual Basic programmes that you may install. This avoids having more than one copy on your computer. Leaving them in the same directory as the rest of the files avoids the need to check to see if any of the shared files are already in the System directory (older versions should be replaced). Leaving all the files in one directory also means that you can delete the directory and leave the computer exactly as it was before the files were installed. Steve Horn, 21 Benjamin Drive, Bo'ness, West Lothian EH51 0QS, United Kingdom CompuServe 100116,3151 Internet steve@horn.demon.co.uk 8 January 1995